
Our nurseries are floriculturalists Giovanni della Zoppa’s, Daniele Luppi's, and Vittorio Pagani’s properties; each of them has been cultivating his plants in 10 hectare areas.

Nowadays each firm is specialised in cultivating different plants varieties and sizes, so they are able to provide better quality and a wider range of products, ready to be sold.
Twelve out of 38 hectares are used for protected cultivation ( tunnels, greenhouses, canopies), to grow young plants, varieties that could be damaged during the winter, and medium size plants which need to stay in the shade. Protections are removed during the summer and restored during the autumn.
For 37 years these nurseries have been characterised by passion, experimentation, experience and innovation, but they still respect simple and effective practices: selecting carefully young plants, paying constant attention to their growing phases, potting and transplanting them at the right time, pruning them appropriately to give harmonious and uniform shapes, introducing technologies and modern machines, guaranteing besides their quality perfect sanitary conditions.
In latest years, we have made considerable investment to speed up orders’ preparation and plants’ delivery, especially when big orders are concerned( as for example garden centre chains). We have facilitated also deliverying products’ cheks.
Thanks to our constant and patient work done respecting traditions, and together with our partners, we have been able to reach our main goals: offering outstanding value for money, increasing export (50% of our sales comes from export), supplying some of the most important garden centre chains in Northern Europe. These results are encouraging us to be confident about our future; however, we are aware that our supplies are responsible for your sales’ success.

Daniele Luppi Vittorio Pagani